One of Queensland’s earliest inland towns, Taroom is a town of simple pleasures but full of fascinating history. Discovered by early explorer Ludwig Lecichhardt in the 1840s, the town still fondly remembers him today with Leichhardt Park (which prominently features the Leichhardt memorial). The park holds Taroom’s distinctive native flora,from the weeping bottle brush to the lemon scented gum, located throughout the peaceful grounds.
Nearly 900 people live in Taroom as of last count, many employed in the town’s primary industries of beef cattle farming, plus local government administration and aged care.
Taroom might not be a big town but they still keep busy with exciting events such as the New Year Races and annual Taroom Agricultural Show. Even when there’s nothing exciting on the Taroom calendar, it’s always the perfect spot to get back to nature with some fishing and camping. Taroom also features a Steel Wings windmill on the northern entry into town, one of only two still in working order.
Taroom is a pleasant town that takes it right back to basics with impressive history and the great outdoors. It’s always worth your time stopping by to enjoy the simpler things.