Building stronger businesses

Imagine getting home at 5 every night (or even early), some down time to yourself before dinner. Imagine sleeping – all night – without worrying about what miracle is going to happen so you can get the tax department/supplier/electricity company off your back about their bills.

These days, opening a business is more than just putting out the welcome mat and opening the door. Business people have to be experts in everything from marketing to accounting, human resource law, be social media tarts, salespeople and in some cases psychologists!

At Rebel Connect, our job is to help you grow your business, help you navigate the world of marketing using both traditional and digital methods. We also work with our preferred partners to help you with human resource management, high performance leadership training and implementation of accounting programs and training.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Cash flow, time and recruitment (finding the right people to help you) are three of the top problems facing small to medium size businesses and if you’re in business, you know what I am talking about. Rebel Connect and it’s related company Rebel Agency has been working closely with small to medium size businesses for over 25 years – helping to build strong, profitable businesses.

The saying is right -” if it sounds too good to be true – it is.” If you are looking for a fast buck, then this isn’t it.

If you are in business you have to be in it for the long haul. You just don’t go from no money to millions overnight. Building a strong, profitable business takes time and takes money. Our job is to connect you with your customers, help you with the tools to build your business shop front on line and on social media. To help you identify your point of difference from your competitors and grow it and your customer base over 24 months.

At Rebel Connect, our team can help you with a complete range of business services including;

Radio advertising


Facebook advertising


EDM Marketing


Website builds and rebuilds


Business Facebook builds


Video creation


Content writing and concept creation for marketing campaigns


Print services including graphic design


Logo development and redesigns


Graphic design services

Through our preferred partners we can also offer you;

Zero accounting implementation and training


High Performance Leadership training for managers and key staff


ZODIAK Training for businesses with an accredited trainer to get your managers and staff invested in your business

Your journey starts here, with us. Right now.

You can choose to do something, or you can choose to do nothing. The future of your business is in your hands. Our business managers are trained to find out where your business is right now and help you take it to the next level.

At Rebel Connect we help people like you take back the time to do what you really want to do.